
Studentski klub Slovenskih goric

The Slovenske gorice Student Club family brings together students from the area of ​​the Lenart Administrative Unit (the municipalities of Benedikt, Cerkvenjak, Lenart, Sveta Ana, Sveta Trojica and Sveti Jurij in Slovenske gorice). Activists of SKSG regularly gather at meetings, where our main goal is to fill members' free time in an unforgettable, fun, active and efficient way. So we organize everything - various get-togethers, educations, courses, concerts and other projects for which we recognize the demand. Organizing events is not the main activity of our club. Of course, our vision aims to prepare pupils and students for later experiences in life, but we also work to ensure that at SKSG you meet peers who will share these experiences with you and enhance your memories of carefree student days. New members are always welcome - fresh ideas, new company, other events. SKSG is happy to consider you in its family. HISTORY 2003 – The Slovenske Gorice Student Club was founded 2004 – SKSG becomes a member of the SKIS Association 2008 – We got our first premises in the student club in the Center Slovenske gorice, in Lenart. 2013 – The Student Club of Slovenske Gorice celebrated its 10th year of operation and on this occasion received the Bronze Lenarski Hrb from the Municipality of Lenart. 2015 – We held our biggest ever project “Pütafest” for the first time
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